Notes from Pradeep:
Can you guys start looking at a new project please - I mentioned we might be doing some design work on other company solutions.... The BEP guys have a client portal that we want to look at improving UI/UX for.
There is a demo of it in the meeting video here - the first 15 mins. Can you guys take a look and do a little UX / design audit? Not taking much time for now - say spend 1-2 days at most. To give us initial thoughts on how we could improve it.
*I'm a bit buys today so unable to chat, but just wanted to get you guys started on something, as I think there isn’t anything else you are working on for Design right now right?
One way to present the research is something like what we have done here:*
- Use best practise benhmarks as a guide
- Analyse our solution against those metrics / heuristics
- Rate them
- Make recommendations
<aside> 📽️ Video from the presentation
Footer is incomplete. It looks like the portal isn't finished and safe to use at the moment. It's significant to give users access to content like Privacy Notice.
Perhaps adding an ability to add a name or some kind of description (visible only for users) would be easier for them to differ their accounts than if they only have numbers, and they have to remember them (especially if they have multiple accounts)
Some Buttons with arrows inside are missleading, they suggest that user will be taken to another page, while some other action will be performed