Biometric ID Verification - user testing script:

1. Introduction

Introduce myself and other attending members of the team, explain how the session is going to go and double check we have their consent for recording and sharing the session.

<aside> 🎈 Distance yourself from the solution you are testing. Do not present yourself as the person who is involved in creating the concept that’s being tested. Emphasise that the participant won’t hurt your feelings regardless of what they say during the testing. Remind them that we are testing the experience and not them. Also remind them that the main purpose of this exercise is to receive their honest feedback.


2. Warm-up questions

What’s your current role?

What would you say are your top 3 tasks?

Do you have experience dealing with identity verification?

Have you ever used an online ID verification tool? If so, what for and how did it go?

3. Tasks


4. Wrap-up questions and closing words

What do you think about this process you just went through?

How does what you just experienced with online IDV fare in comparison to the old fashion IDV process?

Anything else you’d like to add?

Completing the Biometric ID Verification was easy;